Synergem India

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Placements through Synergem Consultancy Pvt Limited in India and Abroad

Mechanical Core Sector in India offers exponential growth opportunities for trained and experienced professionals. The – Initiatives like Make in India, Atma Nirbhar Bharat has given a substantial push to core field engineering jobs. As per NASSCOM survey there is a Severe Shortage of qualified skilled engineers across core industries which is emerging as a significant and complex challenge to India’s current & future growth. With requirement of more than 5 lakh trained professionals in next five years, Mechanical Core Sector has emerged as one of the fastest growing sectors in India.

High dynamics of Mechanical Core Sector has also resulted in high attribution rates of trained and efficient professionals. The sector saw a rise in salary becaus eof optimism in the domestic market, major foreign investments, high inflation etc. Retaining a trained professional under such vibrant environment becomes unviable leading to uncontrolled attrition. This one of the biggest recruitment challenges for an Mechanical core sector organization is timely replenishment of trained professional with suitable skill sets.

Our Recruitment Services starts with a clear understanding of our client’s requirement. With our excellent networking and a sound data bank, suitable candidates are searched and marked as per requirement. Our core expertise in Training & Development enables us to be versed with all profiles and associated skill sets there by making our search highly efficient. We undertake first screening of the candidate by an industrial specialist through an interview thereby saving significant time at your end. After the candidates has been shortlisted at our end, we schedule the same with our client. All the arrangements pertaining to ticketing, travelling and accommodation are taken care by us.

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Get In Touch With Synergem

“Don’t wait until everything is just right. It will never be perfect. There will always be challenges, obstacles, and less than perfect conditions. So what? Get started now. With each step you take, you will grow stronger and stronger, more and more skilled, more and more self-confident, and more and more successful.”

Registered Address

Synergem Consultancy Private Limited, H.No 5/497, Izzathnagar, Kondapur, Serilingampally, K.V.Rangareddy-500084, Telangana.

Phone Numbers

Hyderabad Office: +91-6281-919-641
Bangalore Office: +91-9035-175-757
Nagpur Office: +91-7666-221-979
WhatsApp: +91-9573-355-986

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Operational Office (Center of Excellence-COE)

Synergem Consultancy Private Limited, Center of Excellence (COE) in Welding and NDT Technologies,

MLR Institute of Technology (MLRIT), Laxman Reddy Avenue, Dundigal Police Station Road, Dundigal, Hyderabad – 500043, Telangana, India.

For Business Contact


Call or WhatsApp: +91- 8247874781


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